The journey begins (life adventure)

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Photo by Enedo on

People moves  from one destination to another every days, While you rest others are forging ahead, while other prepare for war, other celebrate for peace, and while  others reaches  there destination other begins their journey. Journey to where? 

The journey to the unknown 

Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The  journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices, the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of  Meaning  is power to reality.  

what life gives is   throughly comprehending which  makes us understand  the beginning of our journey in the universe. 

Is a better world really possible, journey is the groundwork of  our lives, when talking of physical movements it indefinite, it helps building us intellectually, it contribute in understanding more about humanity, and helps us  move swiftly to the journey to the unknown.

Four key points to which guarantee successful journey. 

  • Journey  of peace.
  • Journey of expectations.
  • Journey steadily and cautiously.
  • Journey with lifeguard.

 Can we talk  of peace without including justice, peace is all about freedom from disturbance. Absolutely tranquility .  When  everyone has an equal opportunity to work and make a living, regardless of gender, ethnicity or any other aspect of identity, yes this is peace we need for a better journey. But justice should come in place where there is no absolute peace. The word justice always send  chills down my spin any time i think if people do get justice. Do you know why, because am afraid that the word they called justice is  really the justice we need or a twisted  one. Fairness being administered, truth been revealed,  oh!  justice,  helper of mankind. Before justice should be determined, one needs evidence to show his innocence, what if there is no proof? Or there are no evidence , will justice still be serve?

The journey to the unknown
” the precarious  journey ”

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